

To ensure that a business or organization has a strong tobacco free/nicotine free policy, it should:

  • Extend to all types of tobacco, nicotine, and electronic smoking device (ESD) products (i.e. not only cigarettes, but all tobacco, ESDs, and nicotine products that are not approved by the FDA for cessation)
  • Apply to employees and visitors
  • Apply at all times
  • Extend to company vehicles

TFQC will review your policy to see if it meets the above listed qualifications. We can offer assistance with strengthening policies that do not yet meet the criteria. If your organization does not have a current policy, we would be happy to help draft one with you for your administrators to review and adopt.

Organizations with qualifying policies will be presented with a framed Champion Award and will be provided with an electronic version as well.

Let us know if you would like to be considered for a Champion Award, or would like help with creating a policy.